

    Canadian Solar Inc.(CSI 阿特斯)是一家由海外学成归来专家创办,并于2006年在美国纳斯达克上市的绿色能源光伏公司 (纳斯达克代码: CSIQ),CSI 阿特斯专业从事太阳能转换电能的光伏产品的研发、制造和销售。自2001年以来,CSI阿特斯先后在中国建立了六家独资企业:阿特斯光伏电子(常熟)有限公司,阿特斯光伏科技(苏州)有限公司,阿特斯太阳能光电(苏州)有限公司,阿特斯光伏电力(洛阳)有限公司,苏州阿特斯阳光电力科技有限公司,常熟阿特斯阳光电力科技有限公司。


    CSI阿特斯自成立之日起,就制定并执行了严格的质量管理体系和内部控制体系,长期以来,始终坚持“协同开发、超前科技、持续改进、精工运营”的方针,坚持把“质量、品牌、诚信”作为企业的生存之道,发展之道。CSI阿特斯始终以 “用20~30年的时间让太阳能走进千家万户,让我们的子孙后代享有一个更干净、更美丽的地球”的良好远景作为公司全体员工的执着追求和奋斗的目标。
    迄今, CSI 阿特斯已获得德国莱茵(TUV Rheinland)的 DIN EN ISO9001:2000和TUV Rheinland ISO/TS16949:2000等认证,其太阳能电池组件已获得IEC61215和IEC61215第二版认证、TUV 二级安全认证和北美UL1703安全认证。CSI 阿特斯被评为 “双优”企业、“先进企业”、“外贸出口先进企业”、“十大外向型企业”、苏州“名星华资企业”、苏州市“先进技术企业”、江苏省高新技术企业等荣誉称号。其应用产品汽车充电器、GPS 太阳能车载跟踪系统先后获江苏省高新技术产品荣誉称号。
二、 企业规模
阿特斯阳光电力是一家专业从事硅锭、硅片、太阳能电池片、太阳能组件和太阳能应用产品的研发、生产和销售的太阳能光伏公司,并于2006年在美国纳斯达克成功上市,是中国第一家登陆美国纳斯达克的光伏一体化企业(纳斯达克代码: CSIQ)。阿特斯阳光电力自2001年以来,阿特斯阳光电力先后在中国建立了七家独资企业,在德国、美国、意大利、韩国、日本、澳大利亚等全球9个国家拥有运营公司,从而将产品覆盖了欧洲、亚洲、美洲这三大主要太阳能市场。阿特斯阳光电力现有厂房面积已达260000㎡,员工超过9000余名。2010年,阿特斯销售额超过15亿美元,是世界光伏产业发展最快的企业之一。
    CSI阿特斯主要设计、制造太阳能电池组件、太阳能电池片、太阳能发电应用产品、太阳能户用发电系统、太阳能电站及其相关产品,以及太阳能及硅材料的收集、处理、加工等,销售自有品牌产品并提供相关技术支持和售后服务。CSI阿特斯致力于为全球客户提供在住宅、商用、工业等领域有着广泛应用的太阳能光伏产品及太阳能发电产品,还以公司的专业品牌为汽车行业、通讯行业等特殊市场提供太阳能光伏产品的解决方案,同时也为世界领先的太阳能光伏厂商进行 OEM 加工。

四、 管理者背景

Shawn (Xiaohua) Qu

Shawn (Xiaohua) Qu has served as a board of director since 2005. Prior to founding Canadian Solar, Dr. Qu worked at Automation Tooling Systems Inc. (ATS) in Canada from 1998 to 2001, where he performed various duties at both ATS and at its subsidiaries in the solar power business, Matrix and Photowatt International S.A.. He acted as a research scientist, Director of Silicon Procurement, Director of Solar Products, Strategic Planning and Business Development, and Technical Vice President (Asia Pacific) of Photowatt International S.A. From 1996 to 1998 Dr. Qu was a research scientist at Ontario Power Generation Corp. (formerly Ontario Hydro), where he worked as a process leader in the development of Spheral Solar™ technology, a next-generation solar technology. Prior to joining Ontario Hydro, Dr. Qu was a post-doctorate research fellow at the University of Toronto focusing on semiconductor optical devices and solar cells. He has published research articles in academic journals such as IEEE Quantum Electronics, Applied Physics Letters and Physical Review. Dr. Qu received a Ph.D. degree in material science from the University of Toronto in 1995, a M.Sc. degree in physics from University of Manitoba in 1990 and a B.Sc. in applied physics from Tsinghua University (Beijing, China) in 1986.

Robert McDermott
Independent Director

Mr. Robert McDermott became an independent director of Canadian Solar in August 2006. Mr. McDermott is a partner with McMillan Binch Mendelsohn LLP, a business and commercial law firm based in Canada that he joined in 1971. He practices business law with an emphasis on mergers and acquisitions, corporate governance, mining, securities and corporate finance, involving both Canadian and international transactions. Mr. McDermott also advises boards and special committees of public companies in Canada on matters of corporate governance. From 1997 to 2001, he was a Director and senior officer and a member of the audit committee of Boliden Limited, a mining company listed on the Toronto and Stockholm stock exchanges. Recent engagements involved serving as an advisor to the special committees of public companies in Canada involving an acquisition, reorganization for forming an REIT and corporate governance matters. Mr. McDermott is a member of the Canadian Bar Association, Canada Tax Foundation, International Bar Association and Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Institute. He was called to the Bar 1968. Mr. McDermott received his Law degree from the University of Toronto and a Bachelor’s of Arts degree from the University of Western Ontario.

Lars-Eric Johansson
Independent Director

Mr. Lars-Eric Johansson became an independent director of CSI in August 2006. Mr. Johansson has worked in finance and has controlled positions in Canada and Sweden for more than thirty years. Since May 2004, he has been an Executive Vice President and the Chief Financial Officer of Kinross Gold Corporation, a Toronto Stock Exchange-listed gold mining company. During the period between June 2002 and November 2003, Mr. Johansson was an Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Noranda Inc. Mr. Johansson was last serving as a special advisor at Noranda Inc. until May 2004. From 1989 to May 2002, he was the Chief Financial Officer of Falconbridge Limited, a mining and metals company in Canada dually listed on the New York Stock Exchange and the Toronto Stock Exchange, and the surviving company in its merger with Noranda Inc. in 2005. Mr. Johansson is a Lead Director and the Chairperson of the audit committee and corporate governance committee of Aber Diamond Corporation, a precious stones mining company dually listed on NASDAQ and the Toronto Stock Exchange. He has also chaired the audit committee of Golden Star Resources Ltd., a gold and silver mining company dually listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange and American Stock Exchange, since July 2006. He is also a director of Tiberon Minerals Ltd. and Novicor Inc., both listed companies on the Toronto Stock Exchange. Mr. Johansson holds an MBA, with a major in finance and accounting, from Gothenburg School of Economics in Sweden.

Michael G. Potter
Independent Director

Mr. Michael Potter became an independent Director of Canadian Solar in September, 2007. He has worked in finance, controlling and audit positions with a variety of multinational companies for over 20 years. He is currently Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of NeoPhotonics Corporation, a leading provider of photonic, integrated circuit-based modules, components and subsystems for use in optical communications networks with extensive operations in Shenzhen, China. In May, 2007, before joining NeoPhotonics, he was Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of STATS ChipPAC, a semiconductor assembly and test services company based in Singapore. Before that, he held a variety of executive positions at Honeywell Inc. Mr. Potter is a Chartered Accountant and holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Concordia University, Canada and a Graduate Diploma of Public Accountancy from McGill University, Canada.



Michael Potter

Michael Potter先生于2011年7月20日加入阿特斯太阳能,担任高级副总裁及首席财务官职务。他自2007年9月起至2011年7月担任阿特斯太阳能独立董事,并在众多跨国公司担任财务、管理及审计职位超过20年。加入阿特斯太阳能之前,他曾担任莱迪思半导体公司(Lattice Semiconductor Corporation)副总裁及首席财务官。加入莱迪思之前,Potter先生曾任新飞通光电(NeoPhotonics Corporation)首席财务官一职。在此之前,他在新加坡一家半导体装配和测试服务公司星科金朋(STATS ChipPAC Inc.)担任高级副总裁以及首席财务官。此外,他曾任霍尼韦尔(Honeywell Inc.)公司各种管理职务。Potter先生是一名优秀的注册会计师,拥有加拿大康哥迪亚大学商学士学位以及加拿大麦吉尔大学职业会计师证书。

Mr. Gregory Spanoudakis

Gregory先生于2008年9月正式担任阿特斯欧洲营运总裁一职。自2002年1月以来,Gregory先生一职担任阿特斯国际市场及销售副总裁。在过去的18年里,他一直从事半导体及太阳能行业。加入阿特斯之前,曾任世界最大的半导体经销商-Future Electronics -的高级行政人员,并在1988年至1999年担任该公司的出口事业部及国际分部的负责人。

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